We usually grab our phones to look for fun online, be it streaming services or bonus codes such as Karamba Bonus Code or for educational material. But have you ever thought about using apps on your phone for something more practical? Well, good news! You can now help the environment with the help of your trusty smartphone companion. I stumbled upon several apps that either help protect the environment or actively work on its restoration. Here are 5 apps I think you will enjoy.
WeDontHaveTime: Climate Change
The app that literally tells us that we don’t have time to ignore the issue any longer is actually a social network. Think Facebook, Reddit, and others. Only this social network is focused on climate campaigns that the groups send to companies and politicians. These campaigns warn against bad practices, suggest innovative solutions, and praise those that are already doing their part. The app was originally launched on Earth Day in 2019. It’s available on Google Play and the App Store.

There have been jokes online regarding the reliability of Bing as a search engine. However, Bing is doing some good in the world.
Ecosia is an eco-friendly browser that works with Bing to help you find what you are looking for online. Here’s the best part: they donate about 80% of their profits to non-profits that work on reforestation. So, you will browse the web and, at the same time, help plant trees where necessary. This is perfect for people that don’t have the means to go hard-core environmentalist but want to do what they can.
Good Guide
I admit that I was guilty of being that person you see in the supermarkets turning a box of cookies or a bottle of shampoo over and over again, reading all the ingredients and additional information on how they were made. The thing is, we want to know how our consumption affects the world. Here is where Good Guide comes in.
Good Guide is an app that gives off a lot of info about certain products by simply scanning their barcode. It will, essentially, tell you whether the product in your hands is green or not. It’s not just the environment. Good Guide will also warn you if the product is not safe to use or if it was made with unethical business practice.

Local media often fails us in keeping us informed on where we can recycle and what items are recyclable. This makes it difficult for people who want to recycle because they are unable to do so.
The app gives you a chance to get acquainted with thousands of recycling programs and to discover which ones operate in your area. It also tells you whether it is okay or not to drop the item you are worried about in the blue bin or if you should take it to a particular recycling initiative. It makes things so much easier for when you want to get rid of your batteries of electronics.
Too Good To Go
Food waste is one of the biggest issues humanity faces on a daily basis. Too Good To Go is an initiative that also has its own app. They work on sharing food from the supermarkets and restaurants that would otherwise go to waste. Over 30 million people in Europe are in touch on the network to give each other a heads up and prevent food from going to waste when it can be used elsewhere.